Senator Hagal, President Bush on Illegal Aliens
It seems that Senator Hagel, along with President Bush, want to allow law-breakers into the USA be pardoned. Since they broke the law and the US Government refuses to deport them, or even enforce the borders to prevent it, they are saying if enough people break the law we will just ignore it. This is not new, President Clinton did it also in the name of "reform" and the Republicans then shouted out against it. Now they are doing it saying it is "good" for everyone. Seems like they have no ability to lead but have to follow the Democrats - but 10 to 15 years afterwards.
This way of thinking they should also pardon all World War II NAZI criminals or those accused of it, of illegally coming to the USA. A criminal is a criminal and if you pardon people who illegally came to the United States from Mexico they should do the same for ANYONE FROM ANYWHERE and while at it backdate it so that all those who have been deported re-gain their citizenship - hey if Mexicans can break the law, remain here, and gain US citizenship by illegal means why not NAZIS?
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