Operational Analysis of E-mail
Operational Analysis is a method by which you determine what is going on by looking all the information given to you and what is really happening "in the field" to deduce how the "other side" is working.
The same can be done by reading e-mails of many political campaigns by looking what they are doing and what they are NOT doing to see how things really are.
Moveon.org is a very political organization that is often associated with the Liberal - left - progressive - idea of government and subsequent entitlements to be given to others by taxing the people who have used the laws of their land to make the most money.
In their latest e-mail rally they have going they are trying to petition the US Government to step up and throw even more money - and troops - into the Sudan to stop the famine that has been going on there for around 2,000 years.
Now what is interesting is that they state in their latest e-mail:
"Experts agree that deploying a relatively small, armed and well-funded United Nations peacekeeping force could protect the civilian populations and allow a sustainable peace process to begin.6 We wouldn't even need to commit new American troops. But the UN won't act unless leading nations, especially the United States, step up and insist on it. "
Which, on the surface is chastising the US for not insisting on doing something - but that begs the question - why SHOULD the USA insist to a WORLD BODY on doing ANYTHING? As a single "vote" in the UN at large it implies equal weight on an issue (ignoring the veto power we and 7, maybe 8, other nations hold on any resolution.) Remember, these are the same people who get upset when the US DOES do something - especially when the US just happens to do something that this organization does not want the United States to do.
This actually shows the UN is a totally worthless body in enforcing ANYTHING. If the UN cannot step in to stop killing in the Balkans, Somalia, Iraq (under President Hussein), Ivory Coast, and about 1/2 the nations in Africa, etc unless the US throws troops into the front lines, it shows that the UN is effectively a bunch of talk with no guts.
The ONLY way that people would every respect and honor any UN order is if the UN had its OWN military force equipped and recruited from around the world and beholden to NO NATION for troops or equipment and sent them anywhere in the world it wanted when the whole body voted to do so.
Is that likely to happen? No. If the ONLY way the UN will act on any topic is if the US is going to give money and troops to any endeavor then operationally that shows the United Nations can only enforce rules on any nation if the nations it orders rules imposed on wants to enforce those rules. That means around 2/3 of the nations of the world effectively ignore the UN.
Operationally, the UN is a failure.
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