Friday, September 14, 2007

New Net Taxes Possible in November

Based upon the past legislative accomplishments of the current session of Congress's ability to get ANYTHING done - new taxes will come in November, 2007.
The way Congress runs - usually by exempting themselves from ALL rules that apply to everyone else - and they feel no pain for the rules they invoke onto others - this best of breed "Do nothing Congress" of the last 40 years will quietly do nothing, allow other states to RAISE TAXES - accept no responsibility - technically correct - and then run campaigns NEXT year on repealing it.
Like the Blackberry threatened cutoff due the 'Patent Troll' copyright suit in which the Blackberry devices of Congress had a workaround which would cut off EVERYONE BUT CONGRESS - they had a special exemption to continue to get signals even if an injunction was granted - shields the American representatives from harm if were ALLOWING the patent law to cause others.
This is no different.
Course with an access fee then ALL FREE WIRELESS points will HAVE to charge people to use them - since THEY will be charged by the counties / cities / states to get onto the network.
Kiss all free sites goodbye - no "provider" is going to pick up a $300 to $1000 a month tab per wireless hub charge. 500 or more people A DAY could use a free connection - and the cities WANT that 'free' money to pay for things people DON'T WANT - and the users have NO SAY in being taxed - since the same locals act like Congress and once elected never listen to what the people say - since the people never have "the big picture" and things are "too complicated for them to understand."
See CNet Article


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