What if Environmentalist get what they wish for
In the Pacific Northwest - Idaho, Montana, Washington and in my state of Oregon, there has been a long movement to get rid of dams to "free the salmon" to run wild back in their rivers. And this really is ALL the dams on all the rivers. Around 37 major ones.
What the electric industry really should do to show the people who wish to free the rivers from dams from their misguided fantasy that it would stop all pollution and make things better, every electric utility that has a dam, or the single coal fired plant in Boardman, plus the nuclear one, should not produce ANY electricity during the week of November 4 and let the people in Oregon feel the effects of what would occur by getting rid of all them. It would really show them what happens if we take them all down. 1 week without power may change people's minds a bit - especially during election week. It would take them all week to count the ballots by candlelight - oh wait - that puts smoke into the air also - just could count ballots during the 6 hours of daylight.
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