Rani Rhodes and the 2nd Amendment and National Guard
On one of her past shows within the last 10 days, Randi mentioned that – to her – the “original” meaning of the 2nd Amendment was so that the Federal Government would talk to the states and nationalize them into the Federal government – but that ONLY was authorized in 1903 AFTER the Spanish American war. The war saw that Federal standing Army was so small – and NO equipment standards were in place for all the states – which forced the Federal government to rely upon the state militias and volunteers to get enough troops – The Rough Riders were all volunteers and had NOTHING to do with the Federal Government till they arrived and were issued equipment – to field a true modern army in the number of men to fight the Spanish. The NAVY was the only force large enough when the war started. Thus the 1903 law was enacted to allow the Federal Government to take over the MILITIAS from the state - IF THE GOVERNOR AGREED – and they went under the command of the Federal Government.
This was voted upon due to the problems with mobilizing during that war with equipment not being up to standards since the STATES were the ones that funded the militia. (Now the Federal Government does the equipment, and the state the pay.)
There has always been a standing army – the Continentals were the standing army during our War of Independence and not many were around at that – and asides from the Civil war it was always small since there was no need to have a large one with the oceans on either side, Canada to the north and Mexico from the south. Neither nation has attacked us since 1848. We have gone into Mexico a few times since then but we always left afterwards.
The 2nd Amendment was put into the Bill of Right – they grouped all 10 as one package to make it easier to pass - is to ensure that the STATES have their own standing army – the forces were just called Militia since that is the word they used for non-professional full time soldiers – but in all respects were professional - to ensure that the FEDERAL standing army would not take over and subjugate the states. The European model HAD that happen – where local forces were put into the national army and then the local government HAD no voice nor any way to resist at all the central government and had NO rights to raise troops at all. And since the colonies had LIVED under that model – but due to the isolation got the crown to allow raising their own militia to fight on the frontier again the Indians – we had a trained professional force in everything but name.
The right to own your own weapons is also known to prevent a central government – especially if they are the only ones who have a standing army – from using those troops to control people. It is very hard to resist when you have no means to actually FIGHT back.
The Federal government only exists and has power from the PEOPLE – it is NOT supposed to control the people and then GRANT them rights. The people have ALL the rights and then grants the central – Federal – rights to manage certain aspects of the nation that cannot be managed by a state government.
It is a CONTRACTOR working for the citizens of the nation.
This contractor seems to have run amok over the past 50 years and is going ever more down the path that the 16th thru 19th century European nations went down in reserving all rights to ITSELF and THEN telling citizens what they can do.
That Is not how the Republic was created and expected to run and the only way to ensure that it does not is the 2nd Amendment – of the individual people and states to own arms and have their own standing army.
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