Monday, October 03, 2011

How Greece Can Become Part of Germany

The debt crisis in Greece has implications around the world if they default, but then, what is the NORMAL things that happen when a company, or a person, defaults? The creditors now OWN what was put up as collateral.
Where Greece only put up its name as an asset, and like any business it has lots of things "off the books" that it owns - in the case of Greece it's its sovereignty.
If Greece defaults, then Germany, THE real monetary engine that allowed the money to be loaned out and really supports all of Europe, should assume ownership of Greece.
It can become another part of Germany. LOTS of Germans already vacation there, and if they, the people of Germany now own it, they can make even better vacation package deals for themselves as well as the rest of Europe.
Think about it. The whole concept of the EU is to eventually wipe out all the individual nations and have just the EU. As each nation defaults it can become part of Germany and after 20 years then there is ONLY Germany left.
Then the EU can change the name of Germany to EU and now there is only EU.
The way you pronounce it would be of course: EWW