Paying Multiple Taxmen Every Year
Most people forget that New York state along with California also leads the nation is some of the most onerous ideas and laws - including taxing people more than what is reasonable to provide services to many who don't pay anything.
In a CNET news article the lead was "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear the appeal of a Tennessee computer programmer who claimed that New York was violating his constitutional rights by forcing him to pay taxes on income he earned in his home state while telecommuting."
What this means that soon any state can pass income taxes laws to tax those that do not live in their state, set foot in their state, as long as a company has a presence (nexus) in that state. What this also means is that they can ALSO tax foreigners who do not even live in the US. I do not know of (nor heard of any) law that prohibits a state from taxing a foreign company - so that means people too can be taxed since a company is NOTHING MORE than a "legal person" in the eyes of a state. If you can tax a company you can tax a person.
So that means soon people may have to file 30 to 51 tax returns - one for every state and the District of Columbia) every years since if ANY work that is done for any company that has a presence in that state can tax the person's whole income.
I can see it now, you get taxed 150+% of your income each year (except for the few (4?) that have no income taxes). 47 taxing authorities at (a low) 3% of your income each year and you get at least a 141 % tax rate.
Should solve each states income deficit from now on.
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