Friday, December 02, 2005

TWA Flight 800 - What is not seen

Ever notice that any clip ever shown of the wreckage of that a/c NEVER shows images of the wings?

All video / stills just show the main fuselage of the aircraft.

A heat seeking missing goes toward the engine. A radar guided missile goes for the largest apparent aspect object - from below that is a WING.

I have never been in combat, just flew in Hueys but I have talked to a lot of people who have been blown out of the sky - B-17, B-24, B-26 pilots and crew. Avgas - 100 octane - is MUCH more explosive than any JP4 fuel. JP4 in commercial a/c has additives in it to prevent foaming and other "bad" things to keep it solid. Thus it is harder to make it explode.

Remember when in the late 70s (maybe early 80s) when some Palestinian hijackers took three a/c to the desert and then blew them up with explosives - and it was filmed? Did you notice that even after the explosion of the bombs, when fire got to fuel tanks the planes did NOT explode? The fuel just burned.

If the JP4 was so explosive then most of the Hueys shot down in Vietnam would have exploded and burned - and they almost never burned. (A maintenance officer friend of mine did Hueys recovery in the war and got a Purple Heart doing so, they almost always were repairable and almost never burned when shot down.)

A lot you can learn by what they show - and don't show - and on past history - operational analysis type stuff. NTSB really does this type of stuff - but when they always exclude certain images of TWA 800 and other crashes then you see some spin being put on it and you wonder why that portion is being suppressed.


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