Mountain Locator Beacons - why not everywhere and for anything else too?
Mountain Locator Beacons are devices that can be taken by climbers to locate them - when manually activated - using radio triangulation so rescuers can go directly to them. Same function as an ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) installed on all commercially aircraft.
With the high profile rescues in the news over the past three months on Mount Hood it has been noticed by a few in the Oregon Legislature and they want to legislate - mandate - that all people climbing above the 6,000 (10,000?) foot level be required to take one of these along during their hike.
Why legislate just the mountain climbers . Make it so that anytime anyone goes onto any park that is greater than 50 acres all MUST carry beacons? How many times have hikers gotten lost at Multnomah Falls? Lost picking mushrooms? Kids wandering away from their parents at a park?
Why not make it mandatory that all people with dementia must wear one at all times which can be remotely activated by others? How many rescues do we have for these people? (Two in the last month I believe.)
Why not make it mandatory that anyone that goes onto any land larger than 50 acres that is regulated by the government (which would then include all the private forest land people hunt and look for mushrooms on) be included?
People could rent them for $10 a day (thus only 40 to 80 per outing it would cost a family) and we would get full employment by having to hire people to man the gates at any road where people could get onto the land.
Once done with this bit of safety enhancement we could then start on the rivers and oceans and mandate life vests be worn anytime someone gets within 20 feet of one. I could just see all the joggers wearing life vests along the Willamette since they could fall into the river and drown and wearing life vests would save them as they job along Tom McCall waterfront park or the left bank esplanade. . Don't forget - making all drivers wear them also since they are crossing a river they could drive into it - that too has happened along airport way.
There already is a law (not enforced) that requires people who do not have a locator to pay for the costs of their rescue. Oregon could require all drivers to carry one in their car as well as on them when on any State Road / and (and all private roads) more than 5 miles from an Interstate. This would boost state income by some $200 million a year a people would have to rent them (or allow them to buy them but only from the State). 3 million people, 5 times a year, plus 100 million car trips it could reach a billion dollars a year extra income - and they can send all that money to schools.
There already is a law (not enforced) that requires people who do not have a locator to pay for the costs of their rescue. Oregon could require all drivers to carry one in their car as well as on them when on any State Road / and (and all private roads) more than 5 miles from an Interstate. This would boost state income by some $200 million a year a people would have to rent them (or allow them to buy them but only from the State). 3 million people, 5 times a year, plus 100 million car trips it could reach a billion dollars a year extra income - and they can send all that money to schools.
It could have saved the Kim Family when they cut through an un-maintained road summer only shortcut during the winter.
Yea, put it down as a way to protect children from their foolish parents and it can easily pass.
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