Monday, January 08, 2007

Free Wi-Fi (Wireless) for the Masses in SFO - FALSE

"This agreement catapults San Francisco into a leadership position in wireless technology: the network ensures universal, affordable wireless broadband access for all San Franciscans, especially low-income and disadvantaged residents; and through the Mayor's digital divide program, children and students will have the digital tools to ensure that they have access to everything that the Internet has to offer the growing minds of the City's promising future."  - Donald Berryman of EarthLink.
I am sure the low-income and disadvantaged people will be walking around with $2000 laptops so they can get onto the Internet!
Such garbage. Using low-income people as a way to sell Wi-FI to the city when people with no money will NEVER use it.  How often do you see businesses sell items to people WITH NO MONEY? NEVER.
Plus, they are NOT the first - Portland Oregon already has it in operation - FREE - (you do get ads along the top - which is how the company putting in the Wi-Fi Network will make money) as of December 2006. If you pay $$ you can access it without the ads on the browser.


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