Friday, November 24, 2006

Doublespeak in Action

"If workers are not allowing themselves to decompress while on vacation, the holidays may be a good opportunity for employers to help their staff unwind, as long as the work is still getting done," Buchenroth said.

from E-Week article,1895,2062442,00.asp

Now here this "expert" is saying people can "de-compress" at work AS LONG AS THE WORK IS BEING DONE. Now I have never heard of a company during a holiday timeframe - or when that person is on vacation - tell a person that the work is going to stop coming in while they are on vacation nor that their performance goals (monthly, quarterly, weekly) is going to be eliminated / ignored while they are gone. If two weeks worth of work comes in they are not going to be judged as failing to reach their assigned goals that at the end of the month when two weeks of work is yet to be done!

And these "experts" are surprised that managers and workers call in to work while on "vacation"!?

The goals companies set for managers and workers are based on a 52 week year of work for a person 2087 hours - not a 40 week year which takes into account holidays / vacation / sick time of a person.


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