Sunday, September 03, 2006

Immigration - Privilege, Reward, or Right?

Immigration has always been around - even when not recognized as such. When the Vikings of the Middle Ages (700 to around 1100) exploded out of the northern countries they did so to steal valuables and go back home. After a while they asked themselves WHY go back - just take what you want and stay and avoid the trip home - and they did. So they settled in the lands they had easy access too. Today they would be considered "economic refugees" "looking for work" using current USA standards and the politicians would be welcoming them. In reality they were out to take anything of value and did not care about the people they killed or stole from at all. Only after a few hundred years when THEY had become the owners of the land did  they try and stop OTHERS from doing what they had done themselves - since now they were in power.
Until the rise of the states of England, France, Spain, Italy and other European nations did control of borders really start to occur in the 1300s. It was now important to ensure that peoples - note that it was not individuals but whole GROUPS of similar social organizations - be controlled out to ensure that the existing nation was not jeopardized by an influx of people with different values faster than they could be assimilated.
That is the key.
If people come with the thought OF assimilating into the nation - remembering their heritage but adopting what already exists in their nation - they then have no problem. The mass migration into the US from the pre-civil war era (1840 thru 1861) was easily absorbed - most were from the United Kingdom and the others were going to a nation that almost universally spoke English so they learned it, figured out their opportunities, and USED THE EXISTING SYSTEM to make their fortunes. - and many did.
When the next big wave started coming to the USA from the 1880s on until the War to End All Wars they came from Eastern Europe and almost no one spoke English. However, these people LEFT their old world behind, landed and decided to LEARN English since that was the language of the NATION - and by 1940 only 1% of the population of immigrants who had come over and who were still alive could not speak English - all the rest could and all their children could - and most could not speak their original language at all after the 2nd Generation. (I go this from Census data from the 1930s.) 
There are newsreels of the early 1900s where on the screen for the text bills are three different languages! You would see German, Polish,Italian all displayed so the people could watch the movie / news in the theatres. By 1920 it was ONLY English. The people had all willingly on their own learned English - there was no "Second Language" classes - you went to school and everything was in English so you learned that - and at home you spoke your parents. These are the 2nd and third generation people who fought in WW I and WW II. Which is why so many US servicemen could speak German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian and so on since their parents had emigrated. But they spoke ENGLISH.
Coming to the USA - or ANY NATION - is privilege and a REWARD for following THEIR rules. No one has a RIGHT to walk up and state they should live there because 300 years ago someone slighted their family in Europe, Africa, Asia whatever.
The current wave of immigrants coming to the US largely have NO desire at all to become American - they are TRUELY economic workers who are here to exploit our economy and go back - or stay here without adopting the ways of the US and bring their foreign values to the US - WHICH THEY FLED FROM SINCE IT DID NOT AFFORD THEM THE SAME ECONOMIC ability. Thing about that. They flee their country for a better life but want to bring the SAME values to here that blocked them from getting ahead in their OWN country. That is setting the USA (or any country really) for failure in 20 to 60 years.
When business and people start stating that people coming to a nation should be pampered and shielded from learning English - like what Miller Brewing Company is doing - then that is the start of the destruction of that nation. When companies start stating that people have the RIGHT to come here solely for economic reasons - and cannot be forced to assimilate, then what the Civil War was fought for - a UNITED states - will degenerate back into separate states / regions which will eventually rebel since THEIR culture will be so different from the rest they will not LIKE / WANT to be a part of the rest. ANY state or region of the US actually rebelled or declared their independence you can sure bet the FEDERAL Government is NOT going to send in troops to put it down. In reality they could do NOTHING at all and the USA will break up.
If all the illegals went and registered to vote - using the existing system by having  the local poling workers let them vote since they are run by those who will look the other way about it - and they voted as a block vote - they could elect every single legislature from the local to the US Government who would work to ensure they would break away. And nothing could be done to stop it.


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