Monday, November 20, 2006

New Coins of the Realm - failure by design (again) with numismatic Awards to follow

Next year in February the US Government will start printing new $1 coins with pictures of past presidents in sequence like what they did for the quarters and the states.

Now these are the SAME people that created the two (FAILED!) $1 coins already - which BOTH won awards for design - but are totally USELESS in real life. The people who judge these things have no concept of functionality at all. The new coin is BIGGER than the quarter - just like the failed last two coins - and also gold in color.

Sorry - these are doomed to failure in real world use and will only be collected like the prior ones.

NO ONE wants to carry around coins that end up weighing a few pounds in their pockets that are BIG.

Large coins of yesterday were large since they were REAL silver - and the GOLD ones were MUCH smaller since gold was worth more - hence they could be smaller. This fact is totally lost on the designers - award winning ones at that !! Talk about inbreeding and having a washington fix in.

The idiots (yes, they really are idiots since they designed it in a backroom with no PUBLIC input at all) have created a new paperweight.

Make them gold, 6 sided, between the size of dime and nickel and it would work. With the current design it will fail in use - but watch how many awards it will garner from people who DO NOT USE IT.


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