Economy Down? Not in the Ammo and Weapons Departments
With the election of Senator Barack Obama to President of the United States the past remarks and positions that he has taken against the ownership of any firearms has spured the sales of all types of weapons and ammo since the election.
This is not hysteria, it is see what history has befallen before, after President Clinton was elected and his wasteful and feel good legislation of banning "assault weapons" from being sold. What it did was drive the price up of all weapons, ammo, and never stopped any criminals from getting firearms. If you are a criminal you are NOT going to register your firearm and go through a background check.
Now President Obama may not do anything, or he may propose everything he has ever talked about: banning all semi-autos from being sold (this would even ban the Ruger 10/22 rilfe - a 22 caliber bullet - since they have a clip and have more than 8 rounds in them), banning the possession of it in any public space, and, by the way, ban pretty much everything. And you will not be compenstated for the "takings" if this is passed. Not many revolvers are sold (not a single police force uses any revolvers that I can find, they all use semi-autos), and they too could be banned based on his past legislative history.
This is all part of the hysteria generated by people who are the first to want to disarm everyone, for your own protection, the protection of children, and state that you must wait for the police to come to help you when being robbed, assaulted, or threatened. Because the police are "trained" to deal with criminals. Well, the problem is that criminals don't really care and they are certainly not going to let you dial 911 and wait around for the cops to come!
History and tradition is nice, but in the US Constition the right to keep and bear arms by the CITIZENS was written into the first "Bill of Rights" to ensure that the Government cannot control the people - but the people always would have a way to control the Government. Take away the means for people to defend against others, and to defend against a rampaging Government, and you then can get a dictatorship within a few years - it all depends on who gets elected and pass simple "sounds reasonable" laws against the minority and soon everyone is affected - and no one can do anything about it since the ability to rebel is no longer possible.
Would President Obama propose outright bans? Likely not, but he could propose and tell various departments ornerous adminsitrive rules that would push the cost two to five times what it costs now to purchase a weapon. He could raise fees on everything possible - background checks (easily could state that the "actual costs" could be charged - around $400 per check if you factor in all the overhead that it takes to maintain records of EVERYONE IN THE USA in order to check if someone has a criminal history), force mandatory inventroies of people who have ever had a check performed - and charge them - force people to purchase safes and have them inspected - again charge them for the adminsitrative costs, force people to pay a per weapon charge per year so that if ever reported stolen the police costs of tracking it could be recovered (like $50 per weapon per year) - and you can see it would force the price / maintenance to own a weapon up so much no one but the super rich could afford it. All legal and all without congress passing a bill at all. This is what is so dangerous about President Elect Obama - what he could do by directing his appointees to implement without any Congressional legislative bills needing to be written at all to take "effectively" take away a basic citizen right without passing a single law.
So, in all this gloom of the 2008 fall / winter economy the one bright spot is the selling of weapons and ammo throughout the Untied States of America - cause according to many leading Democrat liberals you actually do not have that Constitutional right in the USA.
What's next?
This is not hysteria, it is see what history has befallen before, after President Clinton was elected and his wasteful and feel good legislation of banning "assault weapons" from being sold. What it did was drive the price up of all weapons, ammo, and never stopped any criminals from getting firearms. If you are a criminal you are NOT going to register your firearm and go through a background check.
Now President Obama may not do anything, or he may propose everything he has ever talked about: banning all semi-autos from being sold (this would even ban the Ruger 10/22 rilfe - a 22 caliber bullet - since they have a clip and have more than 8 rounds in them), banning the possession of it in any public space, and, by the way, ban pretty much everything. And you will not be compenstated for the "takings" if this is passed. Not many revolvers are sold (not a single police force uses any revolvers that I can find, they all use semi-autos), and they too could be banned based on his past legislative history.
This is all part of the hysteria generated by people who are the first to want to disarm everyone, for your own protection, the protection of children, and state that you must wait for the police to come to help you when being robbed, assaulted, or threatened. Because the police are "trained" to deal with criminals. Well, the problem is that criminals don't really care and they are certainly not going to let you dial 911 and wait around for the cops to come!
History and tradition is nice, but in the US Constition the right to keep and bear arms by the CITIZENS was written into the first "Bill of Rights" to ensure that the Government cannot control the people - but the people always would have a way to control the Government. Take away the means for people to defend against others, and to defend against a rampaging Government, and you then can get a dictatorship within a few years - it all depends on who gets elected and pass simple "sounds reasonable" laws against the minority and soon everyone is affected - and no one can do anything about it since the ability to rebel is no longer possible.
Would President Obama propose outright bans? Likely not, but he could propose and tell various departments ornerous adminsitrive rules that would push the cost two to five times what it costs now to purchase a weapon. He could raise fees on everything possible - background checks (easily could state that the "actual costs" could be charged - around $400 per check if you factor in all the overhead that it takes to maintain records of EVERYONE IN THE USA in order to check if someone has a criminal history), force mandatory inventroies of people who have ever had a check performed - and charge them - force people to purchase safes and have them inspected - again charge them for the adminsitrative costs, force people to pay a per weapon charge per year so that if ever reported stolen the police costs of tracking it could be recovered (like $50 per weapon per year) - and you can see it would force the price / maintenance to own a weapon up so much no one but the super rich could afford it. All legal and all without congress passing a bill at all. This is what is so dangerous about President Elect Obama - what he could do by directing his appointees to implement without any Congressional legislative bills needing to be written at all to take "effectively" take away a basic citizen right without passing a single law.
So, in all this gloom of the 2008 fall / winter economy the one bright spot is the selling of weapons and ammo throughout the Untied States of America - cause according to many leading Democrat liberals you actually do not have that Constitutional right in the USA.
What's next?
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