Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are you smarter than a Crosswalk signal?

If you are a "liberal" i.e.: Government oriented that it always know best and that other people are always smarter than you, then you are not smarter than a crosswalk signal.
If you are a "conservative" i.e.: You can recognize and can decide using your own mental abilities and experience when generic rules do not apply, then you are smarter than a crosswalk signal.
The liberal side of America is trying to enforce and condition people with the idea that any government body knows more what is in your best interest than you do and are subtly conditioning people to always obey even when it makes no sense.
This is the crosswalk analogy.
You come to a crosswalk and the walk / don't walk says do not walk. Looking both ways you see no cars coming in any direction as far as you can see - usually around 4 miles - and a liberally conditioned person will wait for the sign to change to 'walk' before crossing the street.
A thinking person would look and see that no cars are coming at all and will cross the street since it makes no sense to wait when there is no danger to themselves or to others.
When you are growing up your parents would never let you cross against the signal - and the reason why is that they knew that you DID NOT have enough experience in the real work to know when it is safe to go against the signal. Eventually they would not longer hold your hand since they knew that you have gained experience to recognize the dangers and not run into the traffic. They would let go of your hand and know that you would stop at the crosswalk.
Eventually the parents would no longer walk with you, they would trust that you know the dangers that about when crossing the street, and let you be on your own.
The Democrat party has taken on the "liberal" viewpoint and NEVER wants to let go of your "hand" and let you make any decision for yourself. No matter how much you know, they want to hold your hand when crossing the street for your whole life.
This is the "Nanny state" people are always talking about  - and what is happening here in Oregon and now is going to happen at the Federal level with the Democrat party now in 99% control of the whole government.


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