Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Randi Rhodes and Iraq Intelligence Failure

Listening to Randi Rhodes on  Air America Radio you can hear her rant about the intelligence failure of President Bush concerning Iraq.


At the end of WW II it did not take 12 YEARS to find everything that the NAZI government tried to hide. It just shows that a piece of paper saying to do something means NOTHING unless you are willing to put your own people on the ground to enforce what the paper says.


Imagine if we ran local law enforcement the way the UN ran the Iraq enforcement? A search warrant for every room and hallway in a house, unless listed cannot go there and you must tell the person before coming what you are going to look for giving them time to move it to a room not listed or into a neighbor’s yard which you can NEVER go in even if you see items there.


However, you must step back and ask WHY and HOW could there be such a failure? If ex President Saddam Hussein has truly de-armed, allowed weapon inspectors over the prior 12 YEARS truly unfettered access to everything everywhere without question and without advance notice (to prevent them from being moved) – then within a year all would have been found, destroyed, documented, stored, and know about, and all sanctions lifted, and everyone would have been out of Iraq.


Since that was NOT allowed, there was NO WAY to know what was going. Which means people had to guess based on what the policy was like in Iraq in the past, what he had done. Perfectly valid.


In Randi’s rant about the war intelligence failure she conveniently ignores the underlying cause.




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