Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rioting in Paris! Unrest in Rennes! Battles in Bayeaux! Bastille Stormed! - oops wrong century same story

Seems that the French have not learned much in the past few centuries about appeasing the masses of people. This time, instead of their "own" people revolting, it are those who emigrated en masse to France but do not want to assimilate into the French Culture and become "French" but want to just get the economic and political benefits without BEING the economic and political culture that allows it.
Classic case of too many people coming too fast and UNWILLING to let go of the culture they came from (and ran away from) and embrace and become part of where they went to.
Every nation who allows unfretted immigration will have this problem - and has.
Yes cultures change - but moving to a new country MEANS you have to let go of the past. Else you should have never left. If you liked your culture so so much WHY did you leave?
Immigrants to the US in the past LEFT the rules and language behind, embraced the new nation, and remembered the past as where they came from but converted to the rules and traditions of new nation - and where possible adapting theirs to what was practiced in the new.
People immigrating who are unwilling to do that - "I want my ->insert values here <- and I want you to change your ways to allow it or else -- should never leave their country in that case.
That's the way it is.


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