Senator Barack Obama and the "Never Heard" preachings - A New Historical Excuse is now Available for Germans
Senator Barack Obama has repeatedly stated that out of the 22 years going to his local church he has never heard any types of talking and messages in the sermons of Pastor Wright that were filmed and posted on the Internet - nor was he aware of any of those thoughts and feelings expressed within those sermons by Mr. Wright in the 22+ years of attending church. Being both a Illinois and Congressional Senator who is usually out of town I can easily understand that he may not have been in church on those particular days, however, does that also mean that Mr. Wright never had any similar patterned sermons at all? A person's personal belief system always enters into their words - and a minister is by definition espousing their personal belief system every Sunday.
So, Senator Obama is taken at his word that he never knew about those ideas (no one EVER mentioned the previous sermon given ever to him) then that means if after attending 22 years and not knowing, then everyone who grew up in Germany during the 1930s should ALSO be given a complete pass on anything done from 1933 through 1945 since if Senator Obama never heard of anything in 22 years of going to the same Church and hearing the same pastor talk (and being a close personal friend) how could people in Germany know of anything planned by Hitler in only 12 years under his rule? They would need at least another 10 years to ever even remotely find out any of his true policies and plans.
If Senator Obama was so completely unaware as to what was being drummed into attendees every 7 days for 22 years how in the world will he be capable of being aware of other important matters during briefings if he got elected into the White House?