Friday, October 30, 2020


What a Joe Biden Democrat Win Would Mean for the USA in 2020

 There are around 120 million household in the United States. Around 79million have cable and 21 million households have satellite. That leaves 20 million who get news and info from newspapers or over the air TV – which is biased against Republicans and are clueless as to what has really be going on with the Biden / Democrat campaign.

An informed electorate is what is needed in a Democratic Republic which is what the USA is – not a DEMOCRACY as most people understand it. It was not designed or envisioned to be a simple majority rule government.

Biden said he is the Democratic Party – actually he is but a figurehead.

What a person says and what they do is not always the same.

As you watch him read the teleprompter when he is giving any speeches - you can see his eyes move as he reads it – you know that he is not the person who wrote the words – he is but the person who is reading it. If he was that knowledgeable and passionate about what he is saying he would NOT need a teleprompter every time. But he does.

Biden has repeated stated he would wipe out oil and gas through regulation – then switches to saying he is not going to do that when he went to Pennsylvania where the oil and gas industry directly employs around 500,000 people – but his platform and the “Green New Deal” does. He says he would phase it out.

ALL the people who are with him, including Senator Harris, have repeatedly stated, and their platform policy goal is to wipe out oil and gas due to greenhouse gas worries and “Climate Change”.

So which VP Biden and Senator Harris do you believe?

History has shown people who pander to the electorate by stating what is wrong with the existing government and won OFTEN become dictators and or one-party rule governments.

The Democrat campaign has ensured that Biden and Harris refuse to answer ANY question on policy or plans at all. Even their surrogates refuse to answer any questions on basic issues. They also have refused to even acknowledge when riots have occurred that they have encouraged - by never speaking out against as they are happening. They just say a vague - "should not do it" and change the subject. The press refused to cover it or even write about it on the national level - they want Biden to win so they refuse to even talk about it. But one supporter for Trump does anything it is national news - 2,000 Biden supporters looting and rioting in cities across the USA is never reported.

All the people BEHIND Biden campaign have stated that they do not like the way the USA is politically structured because the electorate has authority over the people in the Government – and two Senators on Monday October 26, 2020  stated if they win the Senate – acting like a spoiled child - they will change the Judiciary to increase  the numbers on all courts and then appoint ideologues to them. Next they will change the Senate rules to ensure that no senator can put a hold on any bill and no bill will require 60 votes to pass and all that is required is simple majority of 51 to pass any law in the Senate.

If they kept the 60 vote – filibuster - rule it is unlikely they could get 60 votes to pass a bill like the existing Senate rules require.

The Democrats changed the Senate rules for Judicial appointments when they gained control of the Senate in 2014 under President Obama to a simple majority approval of judges since during the first two years President Obama nominated ideologues to the Judiciary and so no person he nominated could get the 60 votes for confirmation.

Democrats want judges to rule according to how the current Democratic Party wishes things to be and NOT have them rule on existing law and the US Constitution as written.

Dictators always wipe out the judiciary and appoint party ideologs to ensure all laws are always upheld in the courts – so that they can say they followed the rule of law and it was upheld. They know of course that nothing going the courts that they want will ever be blocked.

When former VP Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris refuse to answer basic questions directly – or like Kamala Harris laughs it off and STILL does not answer it at all - then it shows what their real goals are. And of course VP Biden stated to a reporter that the people have NO RIGHT to know what his policies will be.


The people behind the Democratic Party, like BLM – an avowed organization dedicated to overthrow the USA as it is now – which both Biden and Harris support. Easy to see why they refuse to disavow them.

Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Uganda, Iran, Iraq, China, and many more had uprisings against the existing government. After the uprising and they won control of the country all of them wiped out the Judiciary by appointing party people there, and all created socialist/communist/dictatorship  governments that have killed millions of people. Those people who have survived in those countries often have little to no freedom to talk, travel, choose or even complain about their government. 

How if Biden wins the Presidency, Democrats control the Senate and retain House this is how the USA will be "legally" transformed>

1) The filibuster rule and the ability of any senator to put a hold on any piece of legislation will be wiped out.

2) Simple majority rule will come into effect – NOTHING can be debated or talked about at all and all legislation that comes through will be approved.

3) The Supreme court, and all the others will be “packed” by ideologues. The appeals court will be expanded to 5 – so he appoints 2 more on each of those 12 courts; The Supreme Court to 13 – so he appoints 4 more ideologues who want to transform the US into socialism.

Every law passed can be appealed – but with the courts under control of Democrats who WANT those laws – all appeals will be upheld or ruled in their favor to what they want and NOTHING will be blocked even it goes against what is written in the constitution. The courts are supposed to rule what is written in the law and what is in The Constitution. Ideologues do not follow the law and will just legislate from the bench – and who do you appeal to?

Practical example: 2nd Amendment is an individual right to arms will be thrown out as unconstitutional.

How – A well formed MILITIA – no private militias are allowed by any state that that I know of. STATES can still form militias, but none have any. Traditional militias were transformed into The National Guard after the Spanish American War by Congress. When a person joins the NG they swear allegiance to the FEDERAL Government – not to a state.

Thus Democrat ideologues will then say no one is allowed to have weapons unless they are in a MILITIA – and there are none – so NO WEAPONS are allowed to be owned – upheld by the appeals and the Supreme Court judges. You can be assured that ALL had to pass a test by the Democrats review committee to ensure they will never allow the 2nd to be upheld before they were appointed – else they would not be nominated.

4) Biden will be forced out within 6 months by the 25th amendment and Kamala Harris become president.

She will then appoint a far left socialist / radical as VP behind her.

AOC too young, a person has to be 35 - so most likely Tlaib – Omar was not born in the USA – and being a Muslim Tlaib it covers that electorate and the ideals that they want the USA to be transformed into. Pressley duplicates the race of Harris so she is out.

Agencies are the one who write the regulations that enforce laws passed by Congress. To change any laws all they have to do is do a NPRM to create a new regulation or change an existing one, go through the public comment period – there is no law that they have to LISTEN to comments just have it - publish the new regulations in the National Register and 90 days later it is the law. They can change all the regulations into whatever they want them to be. You can appeal – but to the stacked courts will always rule against you so nothing can be done.

All Legal – this is what happened in Germany in 1934 after the NAZI Party – their real name was National Socialist Germans Workers Party– they were SOCIALISTS – lost seats. They changed the rules and stacked the courts to remain in power.

The people who backed Hitler thought they could reason and contain Adolf Hitler – but you cannot reason with a person who is not reasonable and is the one who wields all the power.

Biden is a figurehead. This is opposite of 1930s Germany. Here the people who put him there will remove him and replace him with people – Senator Harris and others, who wield the real power.

Biden says he will not do X – but within 6 months he will be gone. He stated he will form a national commission on how to “reform” the court system – sounds good but it will be done before the report comes back – the people backing him will never let it stay the way it is so congress will change the law.

If you think that if Congress passes a bill saying to expand the SCOUS to 13 people that he will veto it? 

The Democrat controlled Congress will fast pass all legislation to get what they which they could not get for the past 20 years due to the built in checks and balances created in the system since 1788.

People have always said the first 100 days is when most polices and laws get implemented and Joe Biden will have no ability to stop them. The people he will be forced to put into his cabinet will all be radicals – some people we already known who they are and what Cabinet position they want – and he has refused to even let it be known who the others will be – cause if he did people would not vote for him at all due to the policies and laws they want to impose onto US citizens.

Think about that.