Both the left (liberal, communist, socialist --> hot button words) and the right (Conservatives, money hungry, Capitalists (note big C) Military-Industrial, International Corporate, stateless exploiters --> hot button words) say the media is biased against them. Pick a paper like the New York Times or the Washington Post and the Republican party members say that these papers are blatantly against them.
The Democratic members say the same thing - just about different papers.
However BOTH are right. The leaning of a paper toward one direction or another has always been there - but often more open in the editorial pages AND the rest.
The current trend is that most people do not read editorials - but the news thinking that it is "un-biased." Which is -- and HAS - always been false. By the time you read anything there has been at LEAST 4 layers of filtering by PEOPLE on the article.
How a paper biases people is a LONG TERM project. The adjectives that a writer will slip into stories are very subtle. Words ARE powerful when used slowly over a long period of time. And when read over and over during these many years of reading it definitely influences people. I
f people start reading newspapers early on by the time they start to vote and pay attention in earnest - often around 34 years of age - they have been conditioned and have learned to believe rather than think.
People living around Washington D.C. have grown up reading the Washington Post and thus have been biased over the course of growing up to think in a certain pattern toward different parties. And since a LOT of them end up working for a government the hidden "indroneation " does affect how they work, write, and talk about the different parties.
That is why when you see any totalitarian government the first thing they do after seizing power is to yank all the kids from parental control and send them to school to be taught what they want them to believe. Chancellor Hitler, Chairman Stalin, Chairman Mao, President Castro ALL did this. Once through a generation then those are now in charge and believe what is told to them regardless of what they see.
When people are in school the GOVERNMENT is what sets the teaching criteria. No matter what local people may have wanted it has been the STATE or FEDERAL level of US government that really sets the tone of what is taught. The local people may think they have control but all they control is the amount of time the kid is to be in school and start / stop times of classes (and often not even that). The exact how and what is taught is controlled by the State. I may look "transparent" but is really controlled by people who are in the system who were taught by the system.
If you look most often they will hold public hearings but will do whatever they want anyway. The public hearings to really more for show since NOTHING is binding concerning the testimony given. It is often "Yes we heard you, but we are going to do it this way anyway since we know better than you since. And in the background is the fact "you cannot do anything about it -- WE have the power not you."
The last 30 years this has occurred more and more as the State takes over control by granting itself rights under the guise of "its good for the children" in most everything.
So as you go read your newspaper of choice look for those subtle adjectives that precede nouns and see how writers superficially are writing about facts but are in reality influencing you as you read.